INSILVAS GmbH – your advisor and partner for successful timberland and agriculture Investments!
- You are interested in sustainable direct timberland and agriculture investments and are looking for a trustworthy and experienced partner?
- You would like to diversify your investment portfolio and incorporate a real asset as a hedge against inflation?
- You want to have an investment with long-term capital growth and a good risk-return ratio?
- You are a timber or agriculture land owner and are looking for an asset manager or to optimize revenue streams?
- You would like to implement your carbon or nature conservation project?
Then INSILVAS GmbH is the right contact for you!
Over the last years the demand for productive timberland and agriculture land has increased. Many investors are looking for an ESG integrated, green investment that has an outstanding risk-return ratio and can help to diversify their portfolio. High-quality timberland and agriculture land investments have proven to help to achieve this goal. We at Insilvas would be delighted to present, explain and analyze the opportunities, risks and options that sustainable land investments can provide for you. We offer vital expert advice individually tailored for our clients needs. We are your partner for a successful sustainable direct land investment.

Usually, we are granted exclusive access to prime lands for sale through our international partner and expert network. We have shown our expertize and continue to do so on more than 40,000 ha on clients land under contract.
We are here for you – from the first exchange of your ideas and objectives, to project development, implementation and long-term management.
Please contact us to learn more and get to know INSILVAS GmbH!