Why invest in timberland and agriculture?
Agriculture and timberland are diverse ecosystems, distinct parts of our environment and play an important role in carbon mitigation and fighting climate change. They are important sources for raw materials and food. Furthermore, they provide important job opportunities in rural areas and drive economic development.
Agriculture and timberland can add value to an investment portfolio and at the same time diversify it because of their low correlation to other financial assets. Risks can be reduced and positive returns generated, and they can be a hedge against inflation.

Timberland and agricultural land can work as a long-term multi-generational investment which appreciates, be a vehicle for wealth transfer as well as a sustainable source of cashflow income. They are unique assets with specific characteristics, risks, and opportunities.
To benefit from those investments, you need to have deep and thorough knowledge of valuations, asset characteristics and markets. With our long-term experience and successful track record, INSILVAS can offer in-depth and excellent advice with a scientific-based approach and a network of international partners. We strongly believe in the importance of having an experienced and knowledgeable investment advisor since timberland and agriculture lands are such an exceptional asset class. Every property is unique and the advisors need to assess if the property can meet the goals of the client and matches its risk profile. Furthermore, exclusive market insights help to get access to prime lands for sale and determine future cashflows.